Helping your Children Has Never Been Easier
BodyTalk is safe, effective and non-invasive. Best of all, It’s so easy!
Helps any Issue.
No matter what life serves you BodyTalk is here to help.
Is easy to heal in young children with BodyTalk and Dr. Madrid’s research-backed MIB approach.
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is the symptom of a deeper need. Sometimes it’s a developmental leap- and we can support it. Other times there is something else we can get to the root cause of it. (more info to come)
Children may hold onto emotional pain that contributes to anxiety. BodyTalk works to energetical support the release of these emotions. As well as create pathways to helping Children process their emotions more effectively.
CBT is often considered an effective treatment for separation anxiety disorder. Joanne is currently training and using CBT in conjunction with BodyTalk
ADHD, Autism
BodyTalk helps balance the brain’s hemispheres and improve focus and attention by addressing underlying stressors that contribute to inattention1.
BodyTalk can support improved sensory processing, potentially reducing feelings of being overwhelmed by sensory inputs2.
BodyTalk can assist in releasing emotional blockages, leading to improved emotional regulation1.
By addressing the energetic and emotional aspects, BodyTalk may contribute to better social interaction and communication skills for those with autism1.
Identify and release the underlying emotional triggers causing the fear, phobias or night terrors. These can stem from a specific event or inherited generational patterns that can be resolved.
Colic is known as deep fear and disconnect. It often stems from birth trauma, known or unknown twin loss. OR various other reasons to bring the nervous system out of alignment. BodyTalk can resolve colic quickly.
Allergic reactions are often a sign that the body is overreacting to harmless substances due to miscommunication between body systems and can be resolved.
Uncover the hidden stressors—such as emotional stress, allergies, environmental toxins, inflammation or digestive distruption—that may be contributing to eczema flare-ups.
I’ve helped all 3 children with epilepsy I’ve worked with to be free of all seizures! So far 100% success rate.
Behavioural issues are communication of a deeper need. BodyTalk can help uncover and support that need making the behaviour no longer necessary. From biting, hitting to thumb sucking. I can help.
BodyTalk can help create better communication and healing within the body. Helping one’s innate ability to heal work more effectively. All symptoms are communication of a deeper story. BodyTalk can help get to the root of it and improve the effectiveness of conventional and alternative treatments.
As an Infant/Toddler Sleep educator I understand the science of sleep. BodyTalk can help get to the root cause of any sleep disturbances- resistance to going to bed, excessive wakings, nightmares, night terrors, bedwetting and more.
Separation/divorce, loss
Stress within the household, loss of parent, can impact a child’s sense of security, increase stress hormone that disrupt development, learning, sleep and affect behaviour. BodyTalk can help your child process these experiences and negate their impact.
New baby, new daycare, new school, moving, blending families. Or issues with transitioning from activity to the next- I can help.
Birth trauma, bullying, witnessing or experiencing abuse, parental separation -nicu, adoption, loss. Talk therapy is hard with little ones, this energetic approach is beneficial & effective.
Child Distance Sessions
The process is easy!
Children under 10 are best treated with remote sessions or by having a parent come in their place as a surrogate for the session. Most opt for the remote distance sessions with audio files because it is so easy yet so effective.
Non-Invasive Approach: BodyTalk is non-invasive and uses biofeedback to determine the body’s priorities for healing, making it a gentle option for children and adults alike.
Request a Child distance session
As there is no direct involvement with these remote sessions you can book your child in whenever there is an opening. No need to figure out if you, your child are available or not. Or just send me a message with their full name, date of birth, gender and parental contact info and I will add them to schedule. SO EASY!
Session is done remotely
I will do the BodyTalk session the day it is scheduled, although it may not be at its scheduled time- I do move these remote one around a bit to accommodate live schedule sessions. Your child may feel the session taking place as belly gurgles, sleepiness, calmness, energy flowing within them, lightness of being.
Listen to the Audio File
Many parents report noticeable changes in their child even before they listen to session. Listening to the session allows for you to have greater understanding of what your child is experiencing, feeling and needing from you.
and so Easy.

Please visit the Bodytalk information page for more information.
Young children do not need to be involved unless they really want to be. I typically record the audio file directly for teens to review themselves to support their privacy, making BodyTalk feel like a safe process for them. Many will often transition to in-person or online one-on-one appointments over time.
Visit the online booking page for current family session pricing. I offer family package and child only package rates to make regular care affordable. The most popular child 12 session package reduces the price of individual child sessions from $70 to $50 each. Commit to 12 sessions within a year to pay with each session used. It is transferrable amongst all children within a household.
In many cases you will see immediate changes with your child. I look at getting to the root of the issue like pulling out weeds. Sometimes it is a single root like a dandelion that is easy to pluck out and resolve but in other cases it is like runners of grass where it branches out in many areas to dig through. We never know how long it will take to resolve an issue until we start digging.
Ready to try a session?
In-person, distance or remote sessions with audio file. Not sure where to start? Book a free consult and get your questions answered.
BodyTalk can help make the basic day to day challenges easier:
“WOW! What a difference I can notice in G. from this session. He is less irritable, less hyper, more loving, fewer meltdowns. He seems to be eating more food. He seems so happy and I noticed his smile is bigger. I’ve never seen his front teeth in his smile as much as now. And the biggest difference is tonight for the first time in his life he requested to wash his hair and was completely calm during the entire process. Usually hair washing always leads to a complete meltdown and ends bath time on such a negative note. ” – Jenna
“We sought out sessions because my son was going to be kicked out of daycare due to his behaviour. We saw immediate changes and he’s doing great there. He is now so tolerant to changes he even reminded me to calm down and take a deep breath when a situation had me frustrated! This kid has come so far” – Rebecca