Birth Support – Conscious Birth and Wellness

A great life begins with a

Conscious Birth

Birth is a transformational journey,  with the right preparation and mindset it can be full of empowerment and bliss. Full of oxytocin and love.

A conscious birth is one where you are prepared to take  charge, ready to be led by your intuition, but also feeling safe and secure with a knowledgeable guide at your side.   I am there as an energy keeper, holding the space for you to move into the natural altered states of consciousness and alpha/theta brainwaves that best facilitate birth. 

Help to get back into the zone when interruptions occur. 

Help to connect and communicate with baby.  

Help to ensure labour is progressing and positioned well.

Help to ensure everyone is safe.


A conscious birth is one where both you and baby are ready and excited for birth!

Birth Preparation

There are so many factors that influence birth. Primarily body alignment, fetal positioning, fear, tension and mindset. Most need to address their own birth into the world or risk repeating their trauma.  We must undo the conditioning of how birth is portrayed as painful, urgent and complicated in movies and move back into a place of trust, ecstasy, and autonomy. In birth preparation we can unravel all the old stories and limiting beliefs, release the tension and fear from your body, help both you and baby to be ready and excited for birth. We can optimize fetal positioning and make birth faster and easier. All birth support packages include BodyTalk work to address your individual needs as well as a special time release performance session to aid you through birth itself.  The birth packages include a private birth preparation class, and the information you need to make informed decisions for your birth and postpartum plans.  


No Induction Guarantee

BodyTalk is so effective at getting both you and baby ready to go, being ‘overdue’ is never an issue. Routine medical induction for post date babies often come with poor outcomes. I have made it my mission to never have a client go through that, and I offer free additional BodyTalk sessions at 41+0 weeks. 

*Ideally you’d have routine care throughout the pregnancy with the complete prenatal package, but having 2 prenatal sessions in the third trimester is the minimum to qualify*

Birth Support

As a doula, midwifery student, BodyTalk practitioner, exercise therapist,  yoga teacher &  so much more,  I bring the knowledge  and support you need to have an empowered birth. I support births both in person and virtually to provide consistent  physical  & emotional support during labour and  advocacy to help you maintain a sense of control, comfort, and confidence. My main objective is to help you to feel safe, empowered and in control of your birth experience. 

PostPartum support

All the birth support packages include a BodyTalk session within 48 hours of birth to help ease your recovery and transition into postpartum life and a full birth debriefing and healing session within the first 6 weeks. Ensuring any concerns or issues are processed for both you and baby and the ‘3rd and 4th basket’ experiences that create the foundation for baby’s life are healthy.




Pregnancy & birth is a sacred, intimate time, and who you invite to be a part of it matters.  Having you feel safe, helping you to have the knowledge to make informed decisions, helping you navigate the communication from your body & baby, and feeling empowered to take control of your own journey is my aim.  This is your birth, I serve as a companion and guide and help you to be prepared in body, mind and spirit. There are a lot of doulas out there, Why choose a conscious birth? 


  1. You deserve to love  being pregnant,  have birth be transformational, and feel utterly connected and in love with Baby.  I can help you refine that connection within yourself and with baby. 
  2. I love and trust in birth and the wisdom of our bodies. Being prepared physically, mentally and emotionally and by creating the right safe environment, we can move into the altered states of consciousness required for an ecstatic, empowered birth. I had an orgasmic birth and you could too!
  3. I know the body and birth. My knowledge comes from various traditions both in western and eastern medicine and study of the new emerging science. I have  a  degree in Kinesiology-anatomy/physiology/exercise therapy with a minor in Psychology. I’ve been a yoga teacher since 2006, been healing with BodyTalk since 2014, studied with SpinningBabies, Indie Birth, Bebo Mia and mentored with 2 different childbirth educators/doulas. I continue to refine my knowledge and skills to aid in an undisturbed birth but also support any rare issues that could arise. I had both my boys peacefully at home, have held space and support for freebirths as well as hospital births.  I have done countless birth preparations and virtual support for non-local mommas since 2014.
  4. Your body and baby knows what to do, but physical trauma, emotional holdings and patterns within the body can create restrictions that impair baby’s ability to get in the right position. BodyTalk, yoga and SpinningBabies tools will make sure you and baby are both ready and excited for birth. You will get a custom self-care program to help prepare and align you. As well as BodyTalk to release the restrictions. We will decode the messages from your body and baby.
  5. I have a NO induction guarantee. I offer free additional BodyTalk sessions/support if labour hasn’t started on its own by 41+0 weeks, but it’s never needed, as both you and baby will be excited and ready to go.
  6. I will help provide you with evidence based resources to make informed decisions. I’m a member and student of Evidence Based Birth and The Association for Pre & Peri Natal Psychology & Health (APPPAH) giving me ongoing access to the latest science of birth and birth psychology. Also, as an Infant Sleep Educator trained by a Doctor of Neuroscience, I understand the needs of the growing infant brain and what supports optimal development.  (FYI- It is Conscious Connection and attunement!)  I’ve created an ever-growing resource folder for my clients to access.
  7. I can “Talk” to baby and help them feel heard and process their experiences, in the womb, birth and beyond. We KNOW that baby’s do remember their experiences during gestation, birth and early infancy and those experiences profoundly shape their ability to connect, their sense of self and place in the world.  As well as their physical growth and brain development.  Stress impairs development and bonding.  BodyTalk is stress reduction for both you and baby!
  8. BodyTalk can relieve your physical, mental and emotional pain, improve your relationship with yourself and others, break generational patterns and best of all help baby to heal anything that may not be developing properly and reduce the impact of parental and environmental stress. BodyTalk babies are universally calm, content and happy – even if their birth isn’t ‘perfect’.
  9. We each have a unique soul’s journey. Your birth story will be unique and perfect for you and your baby, even if it doesn’t play out exactly the way you planned, no matter the outcome, I will help you to embrace the ‘as-is-ness’ and awakening it brings. I trust that everything happens for a reason and will help you trust in it all.
  10. I’ve been on a mission to give babies the best start to life possible for over 10 years. I understand that when children are seen, heard, valued, respected and loved, they learn it and become loving, respectful, healthy, connected adults – who will share that and shape the world. Healthy people heal people. I’ve studied Conscious Parenting with Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Rhea Lala of, Whole Brain Child and trauma healing with Dr. Daniel Siegel, Attachment science, a mountain of other books, parenting summits and courses. As well as numerous ‘Quests’ with MindValley. My learning never stops. I always have new tools and insights to support you with

Of all the ways birth outcomes could be improved, continuous labor support seems like one of the most important and basic needs for birthing people. Providing labor support to birthing people is both risk-free and highly effective. Evidence shows that continuous support can decrease the risk of Cesarean, the use of medications for pain relief, and the risk of a low five minute Apgar score. Labor support also increases satisfaction and the chance of a spontaneous vaginal birth. Continuous support may also shorten labor and decrease the use of Pitocin. Although continuous support can also be offered by birth partners, midwives, nurses, or even some physicians, research has shown that with some outcomes, doulas have a stronger effect than other types of support persons. As such, doulas should be viewed by both parents and providers as a valuable, evidence-based member of the birth care team.

 The Evidence Based Birth summary of research found that overall, people who have continuous support during childbirth experience better outcomes:

Consistent, caring birth support makes birth Better


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