Conscious Birth and Wellness – you CAN have a pain-free pregnancy, a blissful birth and an exceptional post partum experience.


Not Painful



BodyTalk Therapy is Stress Reduction Therapy. It helps you to get to the root cause and eliminate your pain, your fear, your anxiety, your worry. 
It helps you heal. Body, Stress, Trauma, Dysfunctional patterns that hold you back. 
It helps you to deeply connect to your personal power and intuition so that you can TRUST in your body, birth and your ability to parent (or let go- if adoption or surrogacy).
BodyTalk helps you to connect with and support your baby in the womb. Optimizing their development, their positioning and readiness for birth. BodyTalk Babies are ALWAYS easy and content. I even GUARANTEE it!
Pregnancy CAN be easy, pain-free and full of joy. I can help you to carry to full term without being overdue. Sleep better, feel better.
I can help you connect to your body, your baby, give you the support and the answers you need.
I am your guide, healer, educator and support throughout pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond.

Hi, I am Joanne Fisher.

I help expectant and new families have the best experience possible throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond through consciousness based therapy, education, hands on support, coaching and more. 

 Specializing in fetal consciousness, fetal positioning, prenatal bonding, birth preparation, natural induction, birth support, generational healing and conscious parenting- I offer a whole new approach to prenatal care and birth support. Learn more about me. 


Growing a baby can be a stressful experience. Full of uncertainty, worry, fear, anxiety, physical discomforts and pain.

 And questions, so, so many questions.


Our culture has conditioned us to believe that pain and discomfort in pregnancy is normal. 


It is a sign of stress and dysfunction in your bodymind, and it can be resolved, quickly and easily.


The No Colic Guarantee

Colic is a dysregulated nervous system, a symptom of stress, fear and trauma. With a Prenatal Package your baby will feel seen, heard and supported making colic impossible. But if your baby has inconsolable crying I will give you FREE extra sessions until it is resolved.

The NO Induction Guarantee

With a Prenatal package, both you and baby will be so fully prepared, ready and excited for birth that I guarantee you will not go overdue. If you hit 41+0 weeks without going into labour spontaneously, I will give free extra sessions until you do. As well as extra support if there is medical need to induce early.


The No Colic Guarantee

Colic is a dysregulated nervous system, a symptom of stress, fear and trauma. With a Prenatal Package your baby will feel seen, heard and supported making colic impossible. But if your baby has inconsolable crying I will give you FREE extra sessions until it is resolved.

The NO Induction Guarantee

With a Prenatal package, both you and baby will be so fully prepared, ready and excited for birth that I guarantee you will not go overdue. If you hit 41+0 weeks without going into labour spontaneously, I will give free extra sessions until you do. As well as extra support if there is medical need to induce early.

My New book is now available on Amazon Kindle! With a paperback and audiobook version still to come. 

Get your copy HERE. 

Or ask me for PDF copy. 

The No Colic Guarantee

Colic is a dysregulated nervous system, a symptom of stress, fear and trauma. With a Prenatal Package your baby will feel seen, heard and supported making colic impossible. But if your baby has inconsolable crying I will give you FREE extra sessions until it is resolved.

The NO Induction Guarantee

With a Prenatal package, both you and baby will be so fully prepared, ready and excited for birth that I guarantee you will not go overdue. If you hit 41+0 weeks without going into labour spontaneously, I will give free extra sessions until you do. As well as extra support if there is medical need to induce early.
How can we support you?

The Blog- News, Wisdom and Client Stories

What is Prenatal Care?

It is *Feeling* cared for! At all stages of life but especially during pregnancy we require supportive care. The evidence is clear, reducing stress improves

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Mother or Martyr?

Exploring the fine line between selfless dedication and self-neglect. It highlights the importance of recognizing signs of “mom martyrdom” and offers empowering strategies to prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and shift mindset, ultimately aiming to create a world where mothers thrive, not just survive.

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Empowering Pregnancy and Birth: A New Paradigm

Certainly! Here’s an excerpt for your article that encapsulates the empowering perspective on pregnancy and birth:

Embracing the Journey: A New Narrative for Pregnancy and Birth

In a world where tales of pain and fear overshadow the narrative of birth, there exists a path less traveled—a path that celebrates pregnancy and birth as empowering, transformative experiences. As a BodyTalk Practitioner, I stand at the crossroads of this paradigm shift, inviting you to explore the profound potential of your body and spirit.

Pregnancy is not merely a physical process; it is a journey of the soul. Each kick, each flutter, is a whisper of life’s deep mysteries. Birth, then, is not an ordeal to endure but a rite of passage to embrace. It is a moment where the veil between worlds thins, and the power of creation pulses through every fiber of your being.

Here, within the sacred space of trust and intuition, we challenge the cultural myths that have long confined us. We unravel the narrative of pain and replace it with joy, strength, and innate wisdom. This is not a denial of the challenges that may arise but an affirmation of our capacity to trust our innate ability.

Through the holistic practices of BodyTalk, we prepare not just the body, but the heart and mind for the dance of birth. We learn to listen—to the subtle cues of our bodies, to the silent language of our babies. We discover that within us lies an ocean of calm, a sanctuary where stress and fear dissolve into serenity.

As your guide, I am here to support you in every step, every breath, every surge of life. Whether your path leads to a quiet home birth or the bustling corridors of a hospital, you are the author of your story. And when the moment arrives, when you stand at the threshold of birth, know that you are surrounded by a circle of strength—your own, your baby’s, and mine.

Together, we are rewriting the story of birth—one of empowerment, one of healing, one of unbridled joy. Join me on this journey, and let us discover the beauty that awaits when we get out of our own way.

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The Stories of the Cervix

January is Cervical health month. Let’s look at one of the most magical parts of a woman’s body – The Cervix. The cervix is a crucial anatomical structure

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